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Kate Jinadu

Pastoral Team Leader

Love & Serve // Kate Jinadu
Love & Serve

How do we hold the in out tension of loving one another, yet serving the city around us?

Consider Others

Another thing tearing the Corinthian church apart was inconsiderate behaviour between believers. So is it right to change how we act depending on what others believe?

Hold Spur Meet 2 | Spur One Another // Kate Jinadu
Spur One Another

Provoke one another in faith? How does this not just become nagging and bullying?

Disciplines that Make a Difference - Part 4: The Discipline of Sabbath // Kate Jinadu
The Discipline of Sabbath

We live non-stop lives in a non-stop world. But what would it look like if Jesus followers rediscovered the spiritual practice of total rest?

Mission Generation - Part 3: Radical Community // Kate Jinadu
Radical Community

The first believers impacted their world not through words, debate or political pressure. They did it by being the most awesome community the world had ever seen. 

Hearing from God - Part 1: Guided by God // Kate Jinadu
Guided by God

If God has a plan for our lives, how do we discover it? What are the key for figuring out what God is saying to us and how He’s guiding us?

Promise Keeper - Part 3: The Promise of Eternity // Kate Jinadu
The Promise of Eternity

Jesus promises his disciples that he is preparing an eternal future for us. And one day he will come for us.

How to Pray - Part 4: My Sin // Kate Jinadu
My Sin

Surprising that the Lord’s prayer takes so long getting to this. Time for self reflection and detoxing.

Room for the King // Kate Jinadu
Room for the King

A lot of our conceptions of the Nativity are hopelessly wrong. The reality is way more compelling.

Tales of the Unexpected - Part 3: Judgement, Unexpected // Kate Jinadu
Judgement, Unexpected

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats: Why judgement day will be the ultimate twist in the tale for some, for better or worse.

One Job - Part 3: Disciple As You Teach // Kate Jinadu
Disciple As You Teach

We don’t need to be taught information about Jesus. We need to be taught to obey him.


She was known for her acts of love, kindness and generosity. Oh, and the fact that she got raised from the dead.

One Another -  Part 4: Confess // Kate Jinadu

For most of us, confession is something to be done in private and silence, if at all. Maybe we’re missing a trick.

Make Jesus King -  Part 3: Of Your Responses // Kate Jinadu
King of Your Responses

King Jesus commands his followers not just to act differently, but to react differently. It’s our responses to others that show our real faith.

Sex Mad

We live in a sex saturated culture that promises instant gratification for all our needs. But is it working?


Supernaturally strong. Morally flawed. Samson is a masterclass in self-sabotage.

Baptism in the Spirit

What is the baptism in the Spirit and how can I experience it?

Faithful Friends

Is there a better way to do friendship than simply finding someone just like you? What is the Biblical model of friendship commitment?

Better with Others

Christianity is both a team sport and a contact sport. So how do we invite others into our spiritual life and development?

You Hypocrite

Why does Jesus have such a big problem with religious people? And how do we make sure we're not hypocrites?

Psalm 67

What does it mean to be blessed and is it even possible in a time of disruption and crisis?

Where is the Love?

Euodia and Syntyche were two women on Paul's ministry team who found themselves at loggerheads. So what we do when Christians don't get on?

Be Still and Know

What does Psalm 46 have to teach us about God's faithfulness in times of trouble - and how do we apply it to our lives?

Porn Free

Porn promises much but delivers little. Worse still, it leads to cycles of addiction and shame. So how can we live porn free?

Nuisance Neighbour

Prayer is the biggest factor in changing our story and the stories of those around us. So why don’t we engage more? Why is it so hard?

Death Wish

Baptism is a powerful symbol of a person choosing death with Christ in order to experience the brand new life of the Spirit.

Swords & Shovels

It takes warrior builders to rebuild a city in a time of conflict. What does that look like and how does it apply to us?

Moses Refused

What do you do when faith in God looks like social and career suicide?

Devoted to Community

How does community work? What are the keys to devoted fellowship? And why is it crucial for church?


A powerful woman in a man’s world. What does Priscilla’s story tell us about the church’s radical empowering of women?

Why Social Action

Is social action a nice add on to faith, or something more fundamentally part of it?

The Nativity

The way the Nativity is traditionally portrayed is a far cry from what actually happened. So what really went on and why does it matter?