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2 Talks
Kate Jinadu & Philip Jinadu | May - Jun 2024

What is the vision of this church? And why is it so important we keep to it?

The Running God // Philip Jinadu
Philip Jinadu | May 2024

With Love Running happening this morning, what's the point of the whole thing and how does it embody something of God's nature?

Dave Mitchell | May 2024

What makes relationships within the body of Christ different to regular friendships?

5 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Apr - May 2024

The Church in Corinth was based in one of the most immoral cities in the ancient world. And they were in trouble. Paul wrote them a letter with 5 essays on how to succeed. 

Philip Jinadu | Mar 2024

Come and celebrate Easter Sunday with us. As well as our more stripped back morning service, we're having a special Evening Celebration, complete with Easter Readings and Communion.

Jesus Eats
5 Talks
Various | Feb - Mar 2024

Jesus loved to eat with people. In fact a staggering amount of his teaching took place over the dinner table. Because where there’s food and drink, good things can happen. 

Children Citizens // Dave Mitchell
Dave Mitchell | Feb 2024

We're children of God and that's where our identity comes from. But what does it mean to also be citizens of the Kingdom?

Philip Jinadu | Feb 2024

We're loved by God. But does it stop there? Or does love demand something of us?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Jan 2024

The writer to the Hebrews wrote a letter to a church struggling to keep going. It’s easy to start the Christian faith. Not so easy to continue pressing forward. Here are three keys to success for all believers. 

Philip Jinadu | Jan 2024

Jesus' encounter with a notorious tax collector was a shocking incident full of controversy and surprises. Perfect material for the start of our year. 

Philip Jinadu | Dec 2023

The highlight of our year! Join us as we celebrate the joy and meaning of Christmas!

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Emily Toogood | Nov - Dec 2023

The birth of Jesus wasn't just a happy accident. From ancient times, through miraculous visions and promises, the coming of the Messiah was more than hoped for. It was foretold.

Dave Mitchell | Nov 2023

Why being poor, broken and down can be the best place to be when Jesus is in charge.

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Oct - Nov 2023

Believing something doesn’t change the world. Practising something does. Consistent, disciplined practices change our lives - and changed lives change the world.

Road Less Travelled
3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Alexia Macleod | Sep - Oct 2023

It’s easy to do what feels good. Even easier to just follow the crowd. But if you want to get to the right destination, you’ve got to take the road less travelled. 

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Kate Jinadu | Sep 2023

When it comes to faith this generation is missing. Our vision is to see the Missing Generation totally transformed into The Mission Generation.

5 Talks
Various | Jul - Aug 2023

Another season looking at the ultimate song book of the heart. 

Pursuing his Presence // Rob Scott Cook
Rob Scott Cook | Jul 2023

What difference does it make in our life and our witness to the world when we truly pursue the presence of Jesus? And how exactly do we do that?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Jun - Jul 2023

We often think only certain people have a special call from God. But Matthew’s Gospel shows that we’re all called. So what exactly is this call and what does it mean for us?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu | Jun 2023

Like it or not, doubt is part of the life of faith. So why does it cause us so much trouble and what do we do when we're struggling with it?

2 Talks
Kate Jinadu & Tim Dobson | May 2023

Most of us are pretty good at talking to God, but when it comes to God talking to us we struggle. So is hearing from God just for the super spiritual, or can anyone do it? 

Image of God // Dave Mitchell
Dave Mitchell | May 2023

God's image is in us, not just as individuals, but as the body of Christ. So why is that a problem?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Matt Price Drewett | Apr 2023

Like all of us, King David’s life can be measured by a few key relationships and experiences, for better or worse. Will we learn from his successes and rise, or emulate his failures and fall?

Resurrection Fallout // Philip Jinadu
Philip Jinadu | Apr 2023

Ever thought that Christianity was based on teaching and superstition? Think again. It's based on history and fact. This is how.

I Want to See // Alexia MacLeod
Alexia Macleod | Apr 2023

Sundays don't get bigger than Palm Sundays. But the secret to understanding it lies in the small, simple story of a man desperate to see.

5 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Mar - Apr 2023

God doesn’t just make us amazing promises. He keeps them. No ifs, no buts, no maybes. In Christ they are all yes and amen. Guaranteed.

Detox your Brain // Clare Thompson
Clare Thompson | Feb 2023

We all struggle with negative thought patterns. So what are the keys to changing our thinking? How do we detox our minds?

5 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Jan - Feb 2023

Prayer is communion with God. It’s the whole point of the Christian life. So why is prayer such a shallow experience for so many and how do we go deeper with it?

Room for the King // Kate Jinadu
Kate Jinadu | Dec 2022

A lot of our conceptions of the Nativity are hopelessly wrong. The reality is way more compelling.

Philip Jinadu | Dec 2022

What does the feast of Christmas mean when most of the pouplation don't believe in the Christ? And what does it mean to recognise God in today's world?

Hope of Future Past // Philip Jinadu
Philip Jinadu | Dec 2022

The way most of us view advent renders it pretty pointless. So is there more happening here than first meets the eye?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Nov 2022

The stories we remember have a twist in the tail. Something we never see coming. Something we never forget.

Susanna Raj | Oct 2022

We can often feel remote and disconnected from God - but the baptism of Jesus hints at something wonderful to come.

5 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Sep - Oct 2022

Climate emergency. Cost of living crisis. War in Europe. Mental health pandemic. Pandemic pandemic. How exactly are we supposed to cope?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Kate Jinadu | Sep 2022

As followers of Jesus we have just One Job. Pity that so many of us don’t know what it is or how to go about it.

4 Talks
Alexia Macleod & others | Aug 2022

The New Testament Church had its heroes and megastars. But sometimes you can learn just as much from the walk-on parts. It’s time to meet some one hit wonders.

6 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Sam Cook | Jun - Jul 2022

Ephesians is unique amongst Paul’s letters. No church politics. No problems to address. Just six chapters of incredible, profound, life-changing truth. It’s sublime.

Wait for It! // Dave Mitchell
Dave Mitchell | Jun 2022

What does it mean to wait for the Holy Spirit and why should we bother?

What Does Baptism Mean? // Lex Roberts
Alexia Macleod | Jun 2022

The church has been weird and confusing for 2,000 years. Here's a little explanation of what it all means and why baptism is the perfect response.

3 Talks
Sam Cook & Philip Jinadu | May - Jun 2022

In a radically individualistic culture, the Church is now seen by many as an obstacle to justice. But what does the story of the Bible have to say about justice and what can we do about it?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Apr - May 2022

Christianity is a team sport, so the Bible is littered with dozens of ‘one another’ sayings. But what would it look like if we actually took these commands for community living seriously?

Philip Jinadu | Apr 2022

The centre of Christianity is Easter Sunday, not Good Friday. It's just that a cross is easier to draw than an empty tomb.

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Mar - Apr 2022

John's Gospel introduces Jesus as the Word, Matthew as Saviour and Mark, Messiah. But Luke introduces Jesus as the King. So what does it mean to submit to his reign?

3 Talks
Sam Cook & Philip Jinadu | Feb - Mar 2022

The good news is better than we realise because God isn’t just good. He’s so good, so good!

3 Commands and a Promise // Rachel Riddall
Rachel Riddall | Feb 2022

Last words are vitally important. So what did Jesus say to his disciples and what difference does that make to us?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Alexia Macleod | Jan - Feb 2022

For most people, the Bible's teaching on sex and relationships seems crazy. But maybe there's more to it than meets the eye.

Last Things First // Philip Jinadu
Philip Jinadu | Jan 2022

Why is that the things that are the most important are often the most neglected? Time to put last things first.

Rob Scott Cook | Jan 2022

God is always speaking to His church. So what does He want to say to us for 2022?

Matt Price Drewett | Dec 2021

We find echoes of Christmas in the darkest times. After all, that's where hope is needed the most.

Philip Jinadu | Dec 2021

For many, Christmas is a time of frivolity and escapism. But the true meaning shines brightest in our darkest times.

Sam Cook | Dec 2021

If we want to experience more than Christmas Lite this year it's time to look at the reason for the season.

Toby Flint | Nov 2021

If the good news is so good, why do we struggle to share it with those we love the most?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu | Nov 2021

The story of a girl with two names, a God who’s hidden and a spiritual awakening inspired by flawed and compromised believers.

Philip Jinadu | Oct 2021

We all have questions about life, meaning and faith - but what are the best ones to ask?

5 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Sep - Oct 2021

Following Jesus isn’t just a matter of private belief. It’s an active and costly rebellion against repressive and dehumanising forces. Welcome to the Resistance!

3 Talks
Various | Sep 2021

It’s a classic divide, some believers choose to pursue personal piety while others care more about social transformation. But what if you could do both?

4 Talks
Various | Aug 2021

We look at a key day in the life of some of the old school Bible characters. What happened to them and how did it change their lives?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu | Jul 2021

Paul wrote one of his greatest letters from a Roman jail cell. What did he have to say and what does the letter teach us about the job of a disciple?

3 Talks
Mat Miles & others | Jun 2021

Who is the Holy Spirit and what difference does He make in our lives? And is it possible to be filled with the Spirit without being weird?

Various | Jun 2021

We're back in our original venue. What better time to explore the reason we do all of this in the first place?!

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Sam Cook | May - Jun 2021

A lot of people struggle with key teachings they think Christians are supposed to believe. It’s time to ask some difficult questions and see what the Bible actually teaches.

4 Talks
Kate Jinadu & others | Apr - May 2021

If Covid has taught us anything it’s that we are social beings. We can’t thrive without strong connections to others. So what can we learn from Scripture about developing great friendships?

Philip Jinadu | Apr 2021

The resurrection is the defining event of history. But it's so much more than that.

4 Talks
Sam Cook & others | Mar 2021

Jesus by John. What does John's unique bird's-eye-view gospel tell us about who Jesus is?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu | Feb 2021

Joseph is the rare individual who had a dream and fully lived it. What can we learn from his story - from prison to palace - about the nature of dreams and what it takes to fulfil them?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Jan 2021

Nobody stumbles their way to success. If we want to grow and develop in our spiritual lives we need to be intentional and disciplined. We need a game plan.

Rob Scott Cook | Jan 2021

A new year gives a new opportunity to hear from God. So what is God saying to His church?

Mat Miles | Dec 2020

What is the real message of Christmas and what does it actually demand of us?

Philip Jinadu | Dec 2020

Joseph is often overlooked at Christmas. But his is a story of joyous hope in the midst of shattered dreams.

Chloe Swinney | Dec 2020

What were God's people looking for in the coming Messiah? And how was this promise fulfilled in Jesus?

4 Talks
Kate Jinadu & others | Nov 2020

If we’re honest, a lot of the things that Jesus says are shocking, upsetting or just plain odd. So what do we make of the hard sayings of Jesus?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Alexia Macleod | Oct - Nov 2020

We’re not the first people to have our lives and futures turned upside down by a crisis. So what can we learn from Daniel about winning the new normal?

2 Talks
Philip Jinadu | Oct 2020

Enough with looking at faith from the outside in. It's time to get serious. We need to talk.

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & Sam Cook | Sep 2020

Christians are often told that God has a plan. But when times are tough it can be hard to see it. So how does God’s plan work and how can we discover it for ourselves?

4 Talks
Alexia Macleod & others | Aug 2020

All of human emotion is in the Psalms. We study some of our favourites.

Dave Mitchell | Aug 2020

What's the prayer that Jesus prays for the church? And why is it so important?

4 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Jul 2020

What are the values of church, why are they important and what do they look like in practice? In other words, what does it mean to be a lover and a fighter?

Philip Jinadu & Matt Price Drewett | Jun 2020

The global pandemic has shaken the confidence of many. So where is God in this crisis and how do we build an unshakeable faith?

Steve Bodley | May 2020

The Spirit came to equip us to bring God's Kingdom to a broken world. So how does that work and what is Pentecost?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu | May 2020

Coronavirus is awakening spiritual instincts in all of us. So how do we grow more spiritually and what are the secret keys to happiness?

3 Talks
Kate Jinadu & others | Apr - May 2020

With the whole world in the grip of a corona crisis, how do we do more than survive? How do we get close to God and find love in a lockdown?

Philip Jinadu | Apr 2020

How do the small details of Easter Sunday help us understand the way God feels about us? Watch the whole service again here.

Philip Jinadu | Apr 2020

What is Palm Sunday and what does it have to do with the crisis we're facing?

Philip Jinadu | Mar 2020

Psalm 23 is the best of all the psalms - exquisitely constructed and eternally comforting. So what makes it so special?

3 Talks
Philip Jinadu | Mar 2020

The worst kind of theft is identity theft. Because if you don’t know who God has called you to be, you’ll never achieve what God has called you to do.

2 Talks
Mat Miles & Sam Cook | Feb - Mar 2020

Mental health is one of the great challenges of our age. So how do we find a way out of depression and into wholeness?

Philip Jinadu | Feb 2020

What's the meaning of baptism and what does it have to do with the 2 big questions of life?

5 Talks
Philip Jinadu & others | Jan - Feb 2020

What’s the connection between our appetites and our happiness? Is it possible to satisfy the cravings of our bodies without sacrificing our peace of mind?

Rob Scott Cook | Jan 2020

As we prepare to launch our second service we look at the vision of the church and what God is specifically speaking to us for today.

Alexia Macleod | Dec 2019

Who were the Magi and what can they teach us about true worship?