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Exploring what it means to take part in the mission of Jesus
Seeker Friendly Church

Jesus' encounter with a notorious tax collector was a shocking incident full of controversy and surprises. Perfect material for the start of our year. 

Mission Generation - Part 3: Radical Community // Kate Jinadu
Radical Community

The first believers impacted their world not through words, debate or political pressure. They did it by being the most awesome community the world had ever seen. 

Mission Generation - Part 2: Radical Devotion // Philip Jinadu
Radical Devotion

Here's a paradox. The first disciples impacted the world around them not by looking outward, but by looking inward. How on earth does this work?

Radical Vision

The first believers began their mission with an extraordinary vision. So what was it and what can we learn from it?

Pursuing his Presence // Rob Scott Cook
Pursuing His Presence

What difference does it make in our life and our witness to the world when we truly pursue the presence of Jesus? And how exactly do we do that?

The Call - Part 2: The Call to Proclaim // Philip Jinadu
The Call to Proclaim

Jesus called his disciples to proclaim his Kingdom, with actions as well as words. But he never said we have to do it in our own strength.

Tales of the Unexpected - Part 1: Faithfulness, Unexpected // Philip Jinadu
Faithfulness, Unexpected

The Parable of the Talents: Why faithfulness isn't what you think it is and why God doesn't want what you think He does.

One Job - Part 3: Disciple As You Teach // Kate Jinadu
Disciple As You Teach

We don’t need to be taught information about Jesus. We need to be taught to obey him.

One Job - Part 2: Disciple As You Baptise // Philip Jinadu
Disciple As You Baptise

What makes baptism such a big deal and what does it mean for believers?

One Job - Part 1: Disciple As You Go // Philip Jinadu
Disciple As You Go

How are we supposed to do mission when we're struggling ourselves - and since when did evangelism become a dirty word?

Every Contact Leaves a Trace

If the good news is so good, why do we struggle to share it with those we love the most?

The Important Thing

Paul's letter from prison is not what you expect. So what are his twin keys to a life of unreasonable joy?

Ashamed of Me

If faith is supposed to be a private, personal thing, why does Jesus demand we be so public about it?

Plan A

What’s God’s plan for reaching our world and does He have any back up options?

One Job

Jesus gave the disciples one job to do - to be his witnesses so that the good news would reach everyone. What does that mean for us and how do we fulfil our ‘one job’?

Life, Interrupted

What can we learn from the story of the Good Samaritan about showing love in the face of an unexpected crisis?

Team One Talent

What would it be like if we could re-write our story of fear and insecurity into a story of faith and success?

I is for Invite

If we're going to add another service then we need to start inviting more people. But how do we do this when most of us struggle to share our faith?

Contributor or Consumer?

We celebrate Metro's 4th Birthday and share some really big news.

Fighting with my Family

What’s the role of community in rebuilding the city? How do we work together when we're all so different?

Added Daily

Healthy church is growing church. What was the early church's experience of growth and how can we see the same? Baptism Special.

Love the World

Is having a heart for Global Mission just for the keenies, or is it more fundamental than that?


Jesus doesn’t promise his followers an easy ride, but he does give them his authority. So what does that look like and how does it work?


What’s God’s dream for humanity look like? And what part can we play in making that dream a reality?


Most of us are painfully aware of our weaknesses and shortcomings. But are they the very things that make us special?

How We Do Invitation

Why do we talk about ‘church you can bring your friend to’? Why don’t we just concentrate on those that belong?


Jesus asked his followers to tell his story by telling their stories. So how do we that in a way that is natural and not pushy?


What does it mean to be commissioned to share the Good News, and what happens if you don’t feel confident or qualified?

Lambs Among Wolves

Jesus chooses a group of ordinary people to do something utterly extraordinary. He trusts them with a world-changing message, but gets them to deliver it in the most vulnerable and humble way possible.

Face Like Flint

What does it mean to be on a journey of faith? What does it mean to follow Jesus? And exactly were are we following him to?

Infectious Discipleship

What does it mean to be an Infectious Discipleship and what difference does it make to our world?